Endowment Fund

Your wonderful support will enable the Dearborn Symphony to continue enhancing this community’s quality of life for future generations!

In 1992, the Endowment Fund was established with a $10,000 donation from WADOS and chartered as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. This fund offers long-term protection for the stability and continuity of our fine orchestra. We are deeply grateful to the generous contributors—many of whom have given more than once!

The Endowment Fund has grown to over $1,000,000. The by-laws require that 25% of current income be reinvested. Approximately $2,000 is annually donated for student scholarships and education, and the remaining income is used to supplement the orchestra’s operating fund to help maintain affordable ticket prices.

Planned Giving

Please consider the Dearborn Symphony when making your will and estate plans. A bequest can be as simple as: “I give ($_______) or (_____% of the residue of my estate) to the Dearborn Orchestral Society Endowment Fund, Inc.” Call the Symphony office at 313-565-2424 for details.

You can make a difference in the future of the development of fine music in the Dearborn area. A gift or bequest will create many happy returns for many years to come.

Board of Directors

Brenda Lemecha, Chairman
John Matthews, Jr., Vice-Chair
Sandra Butler, Secretary
Ben Bachrach, Treasurer
Anina Bachrach
Paul Butler
Alice Putrus
Don Thorn

If you would like to be considered for a position on the Dearborn Orchestral Society Endowment Fund Board of Directors, please contact Brenda Lemecha by sending an email to: admin@dearbornsymphony.org

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