Standing Committees play a key role in leading projects, contact the Symphony Office or Wendy Baggett or Sandra Butler to learn how to participate.
- Fund Development – the duties of this committee shall include:
- Fundraising events
- Sponsorships
- Grants
- Memberships
- Marketing. This committee develops the marketing strategy used to promote the DOS mission and causes. It handles
- Public relations
- Communications
- Advancement of the DOS
- Finance and Budget – The duties of this Committee shall be to:
- Gather expense and income estimates from the President, Fund Development Committee, Music Director, Personnel Manager, Librarian, and administration for the next fiscal year.
- Prepare and present to the board of directors a budget for the next fiscal year. (Approval of budget by board of directors is required prior to the annual membership meeting.)
- Monitor the financial condition of the DOS monthly.
- Recommend financial and program growth opportunities to the Board for approval.
- The Treasurer shall be a member of this Committee and shall present the budget at the annual membership meeting for approval.
- Personnel – The duties of this Committee shall be to ensure the maintenance of good relations between Administrative Staff, the Orchestra and the Board of directors. The Committee shall also be in charge of interviewing and recommending to the Board of Directors candidates for hire to Administrative Staff positions. It shall consist of Board Members only.
- Scholarship and Education – The duties of this Committee shall be to supervise the management of youth music development and other educational programs. It shall include:
- Program/Workshop development for/with schools.
- Scholarship initiatives and dispersal of scholarship funds
- Community awareness
- Youth Artists Solo Competition
- Artistic Committee provides advice and counsel to the Artistic Director/Conductor regarding programming for the Symphony season. It develops artistic policy that expresses the fundamental character of the orchestra and should include:
- Quality and artistic aspirations of the orchestra
- Factors to be considered by the Artistic Director/Conductor when selecting repertoire type, frequency of concerts to be presented and audiences to be served.
- Long-Range Planning – The duties of this Committee shall be to project needs and directions of the DOS and present recommendations to the Board for future actions.
- Provide an annual update to the Board related to the Symphony’s community context and make recommendations for continued growth, vitality and relevance.
- Offer feedback and recommendations to the Board related to priorities.
- Recommend policies, processes and practices that further the work and mission of the DOS.
- Meet a minimum of two times during the year to review plans, share findings and create reports.
- Nominating Committee – This committee shall consist of not less than four (4) members selected by the Committee Chairperson. The duties of this Committee shall be:
- Research new board directors to promote financial and program growth for DOS.
- Submit names and backgrounds for new directors to the board prior to the annual membership meeting.
- To present the ballot for election at the annual membership meeting.